Author: Clara Hensley

Anusara Yoga 101: A Comprehensive Guide

Yoga, BLOG

Imagine a world where you can find balance, both physically and spiritually, through a unique...
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What Is Trauma-Informed Yoga? A 101 Comprehensive Guide

Yoga, BLOG

Trauma-informed yoga is not just another fitness trend but a compassionate approach to healing that recognizes the profound impact of...
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What Is Power Yoga? A 101 Comprehensive Guide 

Yoga, BLOG

Welcome to the exciting world of Power Yoga! If you’re curious about what Power Yoga is all about, you’re in the right place....
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Aerial Yoga: A Comprehensive 101 Guide

Yoga, BLOG

Aerial yoga, a captivating blend of yoga and graceful acrobatics, has been soaring in popularity....
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What Is A Yogi? A 101 Comprehensive Guide To Self-Discovery

BLOG, Yoga

Welcome to our exploration of the fascinating world of yoga! Have you ever wondered, “What is a Yogi?” It’s a question...
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What Is Jnana Yoga? An Ultimate Guide To Wisdom

Yoga, BLOG

Imagine embarking on a journey to explore the depths of your own mind and the nature of reality itself. This is precisely what Jnana Yoga,...
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Restorative Yoga 101: A Comprehensive Guide To Rejuvenation

BLOG, Yoga

Restorative yoga, often described as the gentle giant of the yoga world, is a practice that’s...
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What Is Ashtanga Yoga? A 101 Comprehensive Guide 

BLOG, Yoga

Welcome to the world of Ashtanga Yoga, a profound and transformative practice that can bring balance to your body, mind, and spirit....
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Have You Heard Of Uddiyana Bandha? 9 Benefits You Should Know

BLOG, Yoga

Welcome to the world of Uddiyana Bandha, where ancient wisdom meets modern well-being. Uddiyana Bandha, often referred to as the secret gem...
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Bikram Yoga 101 – A Comprehensive Guide To Inner Transformation

Yoga, BLOG

Bikram Yoga! If you’re curious about what this unique practice entails or if you’re...
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