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What Is Acroyoga? A 101 Comprehensive Guide

two athletes performing acroyoga exercises 2022 02 02 04 49 37 utc

AcroYoga is a captivating blend of acrobatics and yoga, combining the playfulness of circus-inspired moves with the serenity of yoga practice.

Imagine a world where you and your partner effortlessly balance each other, defying gravity with grace.

In AcroYoga, participants come together to create beautiful and harmonious poses, discovering strength, flexibility, and trust within themselves and their partners.

It’s like a dance in the air, where you become both the dancer and the stage, connecting on a deep level through physical movement and shared energy.

As we delve into this exciting world, we’ll explore what AcroYoga truly is, its rich history, the core principles that make it work, various styles and poses, the incredible benefits it offers, and how you can embark on your own AcroYoga journey.

So, let’s dive into the magic of AcroYoga, where the sky is not the limit; it’s just the beginning of your adventure into a realm of balance, trust, and connection.

Principles And Fundamentals Of Acroyoga

young couple practicing acroyoga on mat together 2022 12 16 08 52 49 utc


Acrobatics in Acro Yoga involve:


Balancing is all about finding equilibrium, whether you’re on someone’s feet or hands or you’re the one supporting someone else.


Flying is the experience of being lifted off the ground, trusting your base to hold you securely. 


Basing is the foundation of AcroYoga, where you support your partner in various poses. It’s like building a human sculpture together, using strength and coordination.


Yoga is a crucial part of AcroYoga, focusing on poses (asanas), breathwork, and mindfulness.

Asanas are the different shapes and postures you create in AcroYoga, like making a human table or forming a star in the sky.

Breathwork helps you stay calm and centered during practice, and mindfulness encourages you to be fully present in the moment, both for your safety and the joy of the practice.


Connection is at the heart of AcroYoga, emphasizing trust, communication, and partnership. Trust is the foundation of any AcroYoga practice.

You need to trust your partner to keep you safe and your partner needs to trust you in the same way.

Communication is vital for ensuring that everyone is on the same page, whether you’re deciding which pose to try next or making adjustments during a pose.

Partnership is the essence of AcroYoga, as you and your partner work together to create beautiful, balanced poses that would be impossible alone. It’s like a dance of bodies and minds coming together in harmony.

Types And Styles Of Acroyoga

two gymnasts doing an acroyoga pose 2021 08 27 11 28 30 utc

Traditional Acroyoga

Traditional AcroYoga is like the classic form of this practice. It’s all about trust and teamwork between two partners – one person plays the “base” role by providing a stable platform, while the other takes the “flyer” role, balancing on top.

Together, they create beautiful poses that require strength and balance. Traditional AcroYoga focuses on building these skills and the connection between partners. It’s like a dance in the air that’s both challenging and fun.

Acroyoga Fusion

AcroYoga Fusion is like a mixtape of AcroYoga with other movement styles. In this style, practitioners blend acro yoga with elements from dance, gymnastics, or even martial arts. It’s all about creativity and self-expression.

People get to explore new ways of moving and flowing, making it a bit like an artistic adventure.

So, if you love experimenting and bringing different movements together, AcroYoga Fusion might be your jam.

Therapeutic Acroyoga

Therapeutic AcroYoga focuses on healing and relaxation. It combines the gentle elements of yoga and massage with the support of a partner.

Think of it as a soothing, therapeutic massage but with the added benefits of trust-building and connection.

This style is great for relieving stress, improving flexibility, and nurturing your body. It’s like a spa day for your body and soul, shared with a friend.

Acroyoga Play

AcroYoga Play is all about having a blast while flying and balancing. It’s less structured and more about exploring your inner child.

You get to experiment with fun poses and games. Imagine playing in a park with friends, only you’re doing it in the air!

It’s a fantastic way to build strength and coordination while giggling and enjoying the playful side of AcroYoga. So, if you’re looking for a lighthearted adventure, AcroYoga Play is where it’s at!

Acroyoga Poses

Foundational Poses

Bird Pose

Bird Pose, often called “Bird on the Hands,” is a foundational AcroYoga pose that embodies trust and balance. In this pose, one person takes on the role of the “base,” while the other becomes the “flyer.” The base provides a stable platform for the flyer to balance on.

To Perform It:

For The Base:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the ground, and your feet close to your hips.
  • Place your arms by your sides for support.
  • Ensure open and clear communication with your partner and establish mutual readiness.
  • Slowly and steadily, lift your legs upward to provide a stable platform for your flyer.

For The Flyer:

  • Stand facing the base’s feet.
  • Gently step onto the base’s thighs or hips, maintaining eye contact to enhance communication.
  • Slowly lean forward, engaging your core muscles for balance.
  • The base supports your feet, which helps you find balance in the air.
  • Maintain a straight and aligned body while relaxing into the pose, making micro-adjustments as needed.

Throne Pose:  

Throne Pose is a foundational AcroYoga position that forms a secure and comfortable seat for the flyer. It represents the essence of trust and connection in AcroYoga, where the base provides a stable base for the flyer to sit on.

For The Base:

  • Sit on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat.
  • Place your hands on the ground behind you to provide stability and support.
  • Communicate with your partner to ensure they are ready.
  • The flyer will stand facing you, with their back to your chest.

For The Flyer:

  • Stand facing away from your base.
  • Step onto your base’s feet, placing them on your hips.
  • Lean backward slowly, extending your legs straight in front of you, creating the “throne” seat.
  • The base supports your ankles to maintain balance.
  • Engage your core muscles to stabilize yourself while enjoying the feeling of being securely held in the throne.

High Flying Whale Pose: 

High Flying Whale Pose combines elements of Bird and Throne poses, resulting in a playful and trust-filled AcroYoga experience. The base lies on their back to provide a platform, and the flyer enjoys the sensation of flying high in the air.

For The Base:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet close to your hips, resembling the starting position of Bird Pose.
  • Communicate with your partner to ensure mutual readiness.

For The Flyer:

  • Stand facing the base’s feet.
  • Step onto your base’s thighs or hips.
  • Slowly lean backward, extending your legs upward toward the sky, creating an elegant arch.
  • The base supports your feet and lower back, simulating the sensation of flight.
  • Engage your core muscles to maintain a straight body while experiencing the feeling of being a high-flying whale.

Intermediate Poses

Star Pose: 

Star Pose is an intermediate-level AcroYoga position that builds on the foundational poses. It represents a beautiful and dynamic shape where the flyer extends their limbs while balancing on the base’s hands or feet, creating a star-like form in the air.

Star Pose requires trust and communication between the base and flyer, and it adds an element of grace and flair to your AcroYoga practice.

For The Base:

  • Start in a strong and balanced position, either lying on your back or seated, depending on your preference.
  • If lying on your back, bend your knees, place your feet flat on the ground, and create a stable platform for your partner.
  • If seated, ensure your legs are extended, and your back is upright.
  • Communicate with your partner, making sure both of you are ready.
  • Gently lift the flyer, allowing them to step onto your hands or feet.
  • Once the flyer is in position, use your arms or feet to support them while they extend their body into the star shape.

For The Flyer:

  • Stand facing your base, ready to step onto their hands or feet.
  • Maintain eye contact and clear communication throughout the process.
  • Step onto your base’s hands or feet, allowing them to support your weight.
  • Gradually extend your limbs to create the star shape.
  • Keep your core engaged and find your balance while enjoying the sensation of flying in a graceful star pose.

Front Bird Pose: 

Front Bird Pose is another intermediate level. It is kind of like a human aeroplane. AcroYoga position that combines elements of Bird Pose and Star Pose.

For The Base:

  • Begin in a strong and stable position, either lying on your back or seated.
  • Communicate with your partner to ensure both of you are ready.
  • If lying on your back, bend your knees, place your feet close to your hips, and create a stable platform.
  • If seated, keep your legs extended and your back upright.
  • Gently lift the flyer, allowing them to step onto your feet or hands.
  • Once the flyer is in position, use your arms or feet to support their legs while they extend their body forward into the bird-like shape.

For The Flyer:

  • Stand facing your base and prepare to step onto their hands or feet.
  • Maintain eye contact and clear communication with your partner.
  • Step onto your base’s hands or feet, allowing them to support your weight.
  • Gradually extend your body forward, creating the front bird shape.
  • Keep your core engaged and find balance while embodying the graceful flight of a bird.

Back Bird Pose

Back Bird Pose is an intermediate AcroYoga position where the flyer takes on the appearance of a bird while lying on their back in the base’s hands or feet. It requires trust and balance between the base and flyer and adds a unique dimension to your AcroYoga practice.

For The Base:

  • Start in a solid and balanced position, either lying on your back or seated.
  • Ensure clear communication with your partner and mutual readiness.
  • If lying on your back, bend your knees, place your feet flat on the ground, and create a stable platform.
  • If seated, keep your legs extended and your back upright.
  • Gently lift the flyer, allowing them to step onto your hands or feet.
  • Once the flyer is in position, use your arms or feet to support their body while they extend into the back bird shape.

For The Flyer:

  • Stand facing your base and prepare to step onto their hands or feet.
  • Maintain eye contact and open communication with your partner.
  • Step onto your base’s hands or feet, trusting them to support your weight.
  • Gradually extend your body, allowing your base to hold you in the back bird position.
  • Keep your core engaged, find balance, and experience the sensation of being a graceful bird in flight while lying on your back in the base’s hands or feet.

Advanced Poses

Handstand On Feet Pose: 

The Handstand on Feet Pose is a challenging and advanced AcroYoga position that combines elements of acrobatics and balance. In this pose, the flyer balances in a handstand position on the feet of the base. It requires a high level of strength, balance, and trust between partners.

For The Base:

  • Begin in the Bird Pose position, with the base lying on their back and the flyer standing facing their feet.
  • The base extends their legs upward, creating a stable platform for the flyer’s hands.
  • Communicate and ensure readiness with your partner.
  • The flyer, with careful precision, steps onto the base’s extended feet.
  • Slowly lift one leg, and then the other, allowing the flyer to find balance in a handstand position.

For The Flyer:

  • Start facing your base’s feet, in a Bird Pose position.
  • Step onto the base’s extended feet, ensuring a strong and secure grip.
  • Carefully shift your weight forward and engage your core to lift your legs into a handstand position.
  • Maintain a straight and aligned body while finding balance on the base’s feet.
  • Trust your base for support and stability throughout the pose.

Reverse Star Pose

Reverse Star Pose is an advanced AcroYoga position that involves the flyer standing on the base’s hands while maintaining an open, star-like position. This pose requires a high degree of balance and coordination between both partners and is visually striking.

For The Base:

  • Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet close to your hips.
  • Place your hands on the ground above your head, with fingers pointing towards your feet.
  • Communicate with your partner to ensure readiness.
  • The flyer will step onto your hands, and you will provide a stable platform for their feet.

For The Flyer:

  • Stand facing your base’s feet and step onto their hands.
  • Carefully shift your weight onto your base’s hands and lift your legs into a star-like position.
  • Extend your arms and legs outwards, creating the reverse star shape.
  • Engage your core to maintain balance and trust your base’s support.
  • Keep communication open and make micro-adjustments as needed to stay steady.

Superman Pose:

Superman Pose is an exhilarating and visually striking advanced AcroYoga position that perfectly embodies the essence of flying. It showcases the strength and coordination between both partners and is often a favorite for those who seek the thrill of flight in AcroYoga.

For The Base:

  • Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent, feet close to your hips, and arms resting by your sides.
  • Open clear communication channels with your partner, confirming mutual readiness.
  • The flyer will stand facing your feet, preparing for takeoff.
  • Gently extend your legs upward, creating a secure platform for the flyer to step onto.
  • Maintain a strong and steady base to support the flyer’s weight.

For The Flyer:

  • Stand facing your base’s feet, ready to embark on your superhero flight.
  • Step onto the base’s extended feet, ensuring a secure and comfortable grip.
  • With a sense of trust and coordination, lean forward and slowly lift your legs into the air.
  • Extend your arms forward and your body outward, imitating the iconic Superman flying pose.
  • Engage your core muscles to maintain balance and stability, all while appreciating the exhilarating sensation of being a real-life superhero.

Getting Started With Acroyoga

couple doing acroyoga exercise in park 2021 08 26 19 57 53 utc

Finding A Community Or Teacher 

AcroYoga is more fun and safe when you learn with others. Start by finding a local AcroYoga community or a qualified teacher.

They can provide guidance, make sure you’re doing things safely, and introduce you to the basics.

Check out local yoga studios, fitness centers, or online forums to discover nearby AcroYoga classes or gatherings.

Connecting with experienced practitioners can be a great way to learn and build trust with your fellow enthusiasts.

Safety Precautions 

Safety is a top priority in AcroYoga, so it’s important to know some basic safety rules. Always practice on a soft, level surface like a yoga mat or grass. Make sure you warm up your body and muscles before attempting any poses.

Communication is key: both the flyer (the person in the air) and the base (the person on the ground) should have a clear way to signal if something doesn’t feel right.

Start with simple poses and gradually work your way up to more complex ones as you gain confidence and experience.

Basic Poses And Progressions 

When you’re just starting out, focus on learning the foundational poses. These include the Bird Pose, where the flyer lays on the base’s feet; the Throne Pose, where the flyer sits on the base’s feet; and the High Flying Whale Pose, which is a fun twist on the Bird Pose.

As you get comfortable with these, you can move on to intermediate poses like the Star Pose and the Front Bird Pose.

Remember, it’s all about building trust and understanding your partner’s movements. Be patient with yourself and your partner as you progress on this exciting AcroYoga journey!

Benefits Of Acroyoga

two beautiful women doing acroyoga in the city 2021 09 03 20 41 55 utc

Physical Benefits

AcroYoga offers remarkable physical advantages. First, it boosts your strength and flexibility.

When you practice, you’ll notice your muscles becoming more robust, allowing you to perform impressive poses and transitions. It’s like a fun workout that secretly builds your muscles.

Moreover, AcroYoga enhances your body awareness. You become more in tune with how your body moves and balances.

This heightened awareness can help prevent injuries in your daily life and other physical activities.

Mental And Emotional Benefits

On the mental and emotional side, AcroYoga is a stress-buster. As you immerse yourself in the practice, you leave behind the worries of the day and focus on the present moment.

This mindfulness reduces stress levels and leaves you feeling more relaxed. Additionally, AcroYoga gives a boost to your self-confidence.

Achieving challenging poses with a partner can be incredibly empowering. You learn to trust yourself and your partner, leading to increased self-esteem.

Social And Relationship Benefits

AcroYoga is a social activity that can significantly enhance your relationships. Trust-building is at the core of this practice. As you learn to rely on your partner to support you in poses, trust naturally develops.

This trust-building isn’t just physical; it extends to emotional trust as well. You learn to communicate openly, which is a valuable skill not only in AcroYoga but also in your personal life.

Moreover, the bonds you form with your AcroYoga partners are special. You share both achievements and challenges, creating a sense of camaraderie and connection that goes beyond the mat.

It’s a beautiful way to strengthen existing relationships and create new, meaningful ones.

Wrapping Up

In a nutshell, AcroYoga is like a magical blend of yoga and acrobatics, where people work together to create cool poses and share a sense of trust and connection.

It’s not just about physical strength and flexibility; it’s also about building strong bonds with your practice partners.

As you dive into the world of AcroYoga, you’ll discover a wide range of poses, from the basic ones like Bird and Throne to more challenging feats like Handstand on Feet and Reverse Star.

Remember, it’s not always easy, and you might face some hurdles along the way, but these challenges can teach you a lot about yourself and how you relate to others.

AcroYoga isn’t just a physical practice; it’s a path to mindfulness, balance, and even a touch of spirituality.

So, if you’re curious and willing to explore, AcroYoga has a world of fun, fitness, and friendship waiting for you. Embrace it, learn, and enjoy the journey!

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