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Yoga For Digestion: 14 Poses For Better Gut Health 

woman doing a pascimottanasana or forward bend yog 2021 09 01 02 00 20 utc

We’ve all been there – whether it’s that tempting late-night snack, a delightful slice of pizza, or a decadent dessert, the joy of indulgence often comes hand in hand with unwelcome companions: bloating and indigestion.

But here’s the real kicker – digestive issues aren’t just about discomfort after a meal. They can escalate to more serious conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease, which can be truly debilitating.

The good news is that there’s a holistic, natural solution to improve your digestive health, and it’s not found in a medicine cabinet but on your yoga mat.

In this blog, we’re going to explore the fascinating world of yoga for digestion and delve into a series of rejuvenating yoga poses designed to enhance your digestive health naturally.

Through the ancient practice of yoga, we’ll discover how a series of purposeful movements and mindful breathing can significantly impact our digestive system.

These yoga poses for digestion aren’t just about stretching or flexibility; they’re about fostering a sense of balance within your body, optimizing blood flow to your digestive organs, and promoting relaxation in your gastrointestinal system. 

Understanding Digestion 

Proper digestion is crucial for overall well-being, and incorporating yoga into your routine can significantly contribute to digestive health.

Before we dive into the invigorating world of yoga poses for digestion, let’s grasp the basics of how our digestive system works. When we eat, our body breaks down food into smaller nutrients that it can absorb and use.

This process is a complex interplay of enzymes, muscles, and various organs, all working in harmony.

But sometimes, this system can get a bit out of tune, leading to issues like indigestion, bloating, or constipation. This is where yoga for digestive health comes into play.

By practicing specific yoga poses for digestion, you can stimulate blood flow, massage your internal organs, and relieve tension that might be hindering the digestive process.

In essence, yoga for digestion is like a gentle, natural massage for your digestive system, helping it function more efficiently and making you feel lighter and more comfortable. 

How Yoga Aids Digestion

Yoga For Digestion

Improved Blood Circulation To The Digestive Organs

Yoga for digestion offers a gentle yet effective means to boost blood circulation to your digestive organs. Through specific yoga poses for digestion, like twists and forward bends, the body experiences increased blood flow to the stomach and intestines.

This enhanced circulation encourages better digestion by providing vital nutrients and oxygen to these organs, ensuring they function optimally and efficiently.

Relaxation Of The Digestive System

Yoga poses for digestion encourage a state of relaxation in the digestive system. As you ease into postures like Child’s Pose or Savasana, your body can release tension and stress, allowing the digestive system to work without unnecessary strain.

This relaxed state contributes to smoother and more efficient digestion, making it a vital aspect of yoga for digestive health.

Stress Reduction And Its Impact On Digestion

Yoga is renowned for its stress-reduction benefits. When you engage in yoga for digestion, you actively lower stress levels through deep breathing and mindfulness. Reduced stress, in turn, positively affects your digestion.

High-stress levels can lead to digestive discomfort and disorders, so mitigating stress with yoga helps maintain a healthy digestive system.

Strengthening Of Core Muscles

Many yoga poses for digestion focus on core strength, including Plank Pose and Boat Pose. Strengthening your core muscles through yoga not only provides better posture and balance but also helps with the mechanical aspects of digestion.

A strong core supports the abdominal organs and promotes regular and efficient movement of food through the digestive tract, thus contributing to overall digestive health.

Enhanced Nutrient Absorption

Yoga for digestion can improve nutrient absorption in your body. Poses like Downward-Facing Dog encourage better blood circulation and stimulate the digestive organs, enabling them to absorb essential nutrients from your food more effectively. This leads to a greater uptake of vitamins and minerals, which are crucial for overall well-being and digestive health.

Alleviation Of Digestive Discomfort And Bloating

Specific yoga poses for digestion, such as the Wind-Relieving Pose and Supine Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose, target common digestive issues like bloating and gas.

These postures gently compress and release the abdominal area, aiding the expulsion of trapped gas and reducing discomfort. Incorporating these poses into your routine can provide relief from digestive disturbances.

Promotion Of Healthy Gut Microbiota

Yoga for digestive health can indirectly contribute to a balanced and thriving gut microbiota.

The stress reduction, relaxation, and overall well-being encouraged by yoga positively impact the gut-brain axis, potentially promoting a healthier gut microbiome.

When your mind and body are at ease, it can positively affect the balance of beneficial bacteria in your digestive system, leading to improved overall health.

Yoga For Digestion: 14 Poses

Wind-Relieving Pose (Pavanamuktasana)

three young women practicing yoga in wind relievin 2023 05 19 02 23 17 utc

The Wind-Relieving Pose, or Pavanamuktasana, is a perfect starting point. It’s aptly named because it can help relieve gas and bloating. The act of drawing your knees toward your chest massages the abdominal area, promoting smoother digestion.

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Begin by lying flat on your back, legs extended.
  • Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, bend your right knee and draw it towards your chest.
  • Clasp your hands around the shin or knee, hugging it close to your abdomen.
  • Keep your left leg extended on the ground.
  • Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds, breathing deeply and gently rocking from side to side.
  • Release your right leg and switch to the left leg, repeating the process.


  • This pose massages and stimulates the abdominal organs, promoting better digestion.
  • It alleviates gas and bloating, relieving discomfort.
  • It reduces tension in the lower back and eases lower back pain.

Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

young woman cow pose

This duo of movements, where you arch your back like a cat and then drop your belly to lift your head, is excellent for stimulating digestion. As you arch and round your back, it massages your digestive organs, encouraging a smooth flow of digestive juices.

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Start on your hands and knees, aligning your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  • Inhale as you arch your back, lifting your head and tailbone (Cow Pose).
  • Exhale as you round your back, tucking your chin and tailbone (Cat Pose).
  • Flow smoothly between these two positions, syncing your breath with each movement for about 1-2 minutes.


  • Enhances flexibility in the spine, facilitating digestion.
  • Promotes a healthy balance between the digestive and nervous systems.
  • Eases indigestion and stress, contributing to better overall digestive health.

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

people doing child pose mats yoga class

Balasana, also known as child’s pose, is all about relaxation. It relieves stress and tension, both of which can negatively impact digestion. As you rest in this pose, your abdominal muscles relax, promoting better digestion.

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Start in a kneeling position, sitting back on your heels with your big toes touching.
  • Stretch your arms forward on the mat and lower your chest to the ground.
  • Rest your forehead on the mat and close your eyes.
  • Breathe deeply, holding the pose for 1-2 minutes.


  • Relaxes the mind and body, reducing stress, which is often linked to digestive issues.
  • Gentle pressure on the abdomen helps alleviate gas and discomfort.
  • Provides a sense of calm and balance to support digestive processes.

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

sporty female athletes in downward facing dog pose 2023 08 15 20 33 30 utc

Yoga poses for digestion can also involve inversions like the Downward-Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana, which enhances blood flow to the digestive organs.

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Begin in a push-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Lift your hips high while pressing your palms and heels into the ground, forming an inverted V shape.
  • Keep your head between your arms, with your ears in line with your upper arms.
  • Hold the pose for 1-2 minutes, breathing deeply.


  • Increases blood circulation to the abdominal area, improving digestion.
  • Reduces bloating and indigestion by aiding the movement of gas through the digestive tract.
  • Strengthens the core muscles, supporting digestive health.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

woman doing bridge yoga pose on the rooftop 2022 11 15 02 18 34 utc

The Bridge Pose, or Setu Bandhasana, strengthens the core, which plays a pivotal role in maintaining good digestive health. A strong core supports the proper functioning of the digestive system and helps in relieving digestive discomfort.

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Lie flat on your back with your knees bent, feet hip-width apart and close to your buttocks.
  • Place your arms alongside your body with your palms facing down.
  • Inhale and lift your hips off the ground, creating a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
  • Squeeze your glutes and engage your core.
  • Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds, breathing deeply.
  • Lower your hips back down on an exhale.


  • Strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves digestion.
  • Massages the digestive organs, promoting better function.
  • Eases constipation and supports overall digestive health.

Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

sportswoman sitting with her head her legs yoga class

Paschimottanasana, or Seated Forward Bend, is a gentle yet powerful yoga pose that can work wonders for your digestive health. This asana helps in massaging the abdominal organs, promoting blood flow to the digestive system, and relieving any discomfort. 

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you.
  • Make sure your spine is erect, and your toes are flexed towards you.
  • Inhale deeply to lengthen your spine.
  • Exhale slowly, bend your hips, and reach for your toes or ankles.
  • You can use a yoga strap or hold your legs wherever you comfortably can.
  • Keep your back straight, and avoid hunching your shoulders.
  • Gently release and return to the starting position.


  • This pose offers a soothing massage to your abdominal organs, helping to stimulate digestion.
  • The forward fold calms the mind and eases stress, which is essential for healthy digestion.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

girls in cobra pose at yoga class 2022 12 20 16 55 27 utc

IBhujangasana, commonly known as Cobra Pose, is a yoga posture that can be a true ally in your journey towards better digestive health. By practicing this pose, you can enhance the flexibility of your spine and engage the muscles needed for proper digestion. 

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Lie flat on your stomach with your palms placed under your shoulders.
  • Inhale as you gently lift your upper body off the ground using your back muscles.
  • Keep your elbows slightly bent and your pelvis rooted to the floor.
  • Lift your chest as high as is comfortable, without straining your lower back.
  • Hold for a few breaths, then exhale as you lower yourself back to the floor.


  • The gentle compression of the abdominal area in this pose aids digestion.
  • Engaging your core muscles helps in digestive processes and reduces bloating.

Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

young woman practicing ardha matsyendrasana spina 2022 04 19 23 28 29 utc

Ardha Matsyendrasana, also known as Spinal Twist, is a yoga pose that does wonders for your digestive health. This seated twist can help improve the efficiency of your digestive organs while promoting a healthy spine. 

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Sit with your legs extended and bend your right knee, placing your right foot on the outside of your left thigh.
  • Inhale, lengthen your spine, and as you exhale, twist to the right, bringing your left elbow to the outside of your right knee.
  • Keep your back straight, and use your breath to deepen the twist.
  • Hold for a few breaths, then release and switch sides.


  • The twist massages the abdominal organs, improving digestion and eliminating toxins.
  • It helps maintain spinal flexibility, ensuring nerve signals to the digestive system flow smoothly.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

a young attractive woman practicing yoga performs 2022 11 16 07 28 44 utc 1

Dhanurasana, or Bow Pose, is a dynamic yoga posture that not only strengthens your back and core but also works wonders for your digestive health. The stretch and compression in this pose stimulate the digestive organs and improve their functionality. 

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Lie on your stomach with your arms by your sides and your forehead on the ground.
  • Bend your knees and reach your arms back to hold your ankles.
  • Inhale, lift your chest, and simultaneously kick your legs up towards the sky.
  • Maintain the pose for a few breaths, then gently release.


  • The compression of the abdominal area in this pose aids digestion and alleviates constipation.
  • It strengthens the muscles needed for proper posture and digestion.

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

beautiful young woman practicing yoga in triangle 2022 12 16 18 25 58 utc

Trikonasana, the Triangle Pose, is a fantastic addition to your yoga for digestive health routine. This standing pose improves digestion by massaging and toning the abdominal organs. It also enhances flexibility in your spine and legs. 

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Begin with your feet wide apart, one foot pointing forward and the other at a 90-degree angle.
  • Extend your arms parallel to the ground.
  • Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, bend at the hip to reach down and touch your forward foot while your other arm points upward.
  • Keep your chest open, and gaze at your raised hand.
  • Hold the pose for a few breaths, then return to the upright position.


  • The twist and stretching in this pose massage and stimulate the digestive organs.
  • It enhances your posture and balance, both of which are essential for optimal digestive health.

Plank Pose

fit woman doing yoga in plank pose 2023 08 15 20 36 00 utc

Plank Pose, a simple yet incredibly effective yoga asana, is a key player in the journey toward better digestive health. This foundational pose not only strengthens your core but also supports digestion by engaging the abdominal muscles and promoting overall body awareness. 

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Start in a push-up position with your palms directly under your shoulders and your toes tucked under.
  • Ensure your body forms a straight line from head to heels.
  • Engage your core and hold this position, breathing deeply, for as long as you can maintain good form.
  • Remember to keep your shoulders away from your ears and maintain a strong, straight spine.


  • Plank pose builds a strong core, which is essential for healthy digestion.
  • It encourages proper posture, aiding in the overall function of the digestive system.

Supine Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana)

two girls practicing yoga on a mat using straps 2023 08 29 07 52 01 utc

Supta Padangusthasana, the Supine Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose, is a yoga pose that promotes both flexibility and digestive well-being. This supine posture is particularly beneficial for improving blood circulation in the abdominal region and providing relief to digestive discomfort. 

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Lie on your back with both legs extended.
  • Inhale, and as you exhale, bend your right knee and bring it toward your chest.
  • Use a strap or your hand to hold your right big toe, extending your leg toward the ceiling.
  • Keep your left leg on the ground, either straight or slightly bent.
  • Hold the pose for a few breaths, then switch to the other leg.


  • This pose helps stimulate the abdominal organs, aiding digestion.
  • It increases the flexibility of your hamstrings and hips, reducing tension and discomfort in the digestive region.

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

woman doing a virabhadrasana ii forward lunge yoga 2021 09 01 02 00 21 utc

Warrior II, or Virabhadrasana II, is a strong and grounding yoga pose that can significantly contribute to your digestive health. This pose combines strength, balance, and deep breathing, helping you connect with your body’s needs and facilitating digestion. 

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Begin in a standing position with your feet wide apart.
  • Turn your right foot to the right so it’s perpendicular to your left foot.
  • Bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle, keeping it directly over your ankle.
  • Stretch your arms out to the sides, parallel to the ground, and gaze over your right hand.
  • Breathe deeply, engaging your core, and hold the pose for several breaths.


  • The strong, balanced stance promotes proper digestion by engaging the core.
  • This pose enhances your overall body awareness and emotional stability, indirectly aiding digestion.

Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull-Shining Breath)

young attractive woman making alternate nostril breathing studi 1

Kapalabhati Pranayama often called the Skull-Shining Breath, is a powerful yogic breathing technique specifically tailored to boost digestive health. This breathing exercise not only detoxifies the body but also invigorates the abdominal organs, promoting better digestion. 

Here’s How To Perform It:

  • Sit comfortably with your spine erect and shoulders relaxed.
  • Take a deep breath in, then forcefully exhale by contracting your abdominal muscles.
  • The inhalation should be passive, allowing your lungs to fill naturally.
  • Continue this rhythmic pattern, focusing on the exhalation, which is short and quick.
  • Gradually increase the speed, but maintain control.


  • The forceful exhalations massage and stimulate the digestive organs.
  • This practice helps remove toxins, allowing the digestive system to function optimally.

Wrapping Up

Incorporating yoga into your daily routine is a holistic and natural way to support your digestive health. By practicing these yoga poses for digestion, you can promote overall well-being and alleviate common digestive discomforts.

Whether it’s the soothing Wind-Relieving Pose, the invigorating Downward-Facing Dog, or the relaxing Child’s Pose, these yoga postures are like a gentle massage for your digestive system.

By embracing the ancient wisdom of yoga for digestive health, you’re taking a step towards a happier tummy and a healthier you.

So, roll out your yoga mat, try these poses, and experience the soothing benefits of yoga for digestion in your daily life.

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